The Elmira City School District provides three school-based programs to help students achieve the greatest success: Mentoring, Grief & Loss and Behavior Intervention.
Elmira City School District Services
The Elmira City School District provides three programs for youth in their schools to help them in achieving success.

Mentor Program
The School Mentor will provide academic support for students in their home school setting to encourage increased academic performance, attendance, work completion and a decrease in disciplinary referrals. Additional Support will be offered to each student’s family and to building staff as outlined below.
Services provided
For Students:
- Safety plans
- Goal setting, goal planning and tracking sheets, behavior reflection sheets, incentives
- Daily check ins
- Communication with teachers and families
- Lunch time meetings/groups
For Families:
- Weekly check ins/updates
- Contact information for support
- Help to provide and connect with additional resources
For Staff:
- Academic support
- Communication liaison with parents
- Extra supervision in the building
- Immediate de-escalation resources and support
How students are referred
Students can be identified and referred by their teachers, guidance counselors, and other school staff but must be approved by administrators who will complete all appropriate referral paperwork.
Monday - Friday
7:30 am - 4:00 pm

This program helped me throughout my time in school, as it gave me somewhere to go when I was upset or needed someone to talk to. It also gave me a quiet and calming place to do my school assignment. I'd recommend this program, as I probably wouldn't have made it through school without it.
--Onyx Jackson
Grief & Loss Program
- This program provides direct support for all youth in the ECSD Grades K – 12.
- The Grief and Loss Support Educator will provide individual support to students that have experienced a significant loss.
- This individual support is provided according to the child’s needs.
- The Grief and Loss Educator works directly with the student and collaborates with an identified school partner in each school. This allows for information sharing in order to determine the needs of the student as well as provide education for school professionals on how to support the student.
- The Grief and Loss Educator makes weekly face-to-face contact with students. During this time, they work on building coping and resiliency skills using an evidence-based art curriculum.

Behavior Intervention Center (BIC)
An in-school alternative to out of school suspension
- Students in grades 3-9 can attend BIC.
- BIC staff members provide help with schoolwork throughout the day.
- Students will have the opportunity to work on current or incomplete assignments.
- Tutoring is available.
- The BIC Caseworker is responsible for assisting in the implementation of student goals and programs, youth safety plans and goal planning for returning to school.
- Before arrival to program, students are given an outline of rules and expectations which they need to follow in order to have a successful day.
- Students who have an unsuccessful day may be referred back to BIC by School Administration.
- Parental Consent is obtained by the student's home school administrator before the student is allowed to attend BIC.
- The program provides coaching to the youth in program.
- Lunch from the school is provided while in program.
- BIC staff will contact parents to report daily status as deemed by a point system.
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