Preventive services are provided for the purpose of either averting a placement or re-placement or hastening a child’s return home from placement consistent with Section 423 of Social Services Law. Preventive Services offer support to families and youth in the home, community, or schools. School-Based services provide services to students who are having difficulties with academic performance either due to behaviors, attendance, or emotional difficulties. Services are provided through casework counseling, case coordination, parent education, groups, mentoring, and more.
Preventive and School-Based Services
The goal of Glove House Preventive Services is to prevent out of home placement of youth and/or to prevent child protective reports. When foster care placement has occurred, reunification of children to their families is another aspect of these services.
Family Engagement Services

Family Team Meeting (FTM)
A family-driven conversation which brings together a family’s natural support system and current providers or resources to help the family develop a plan for safety, well-being, and permanency of their children.
School-Based Services

Elmira City School District Services
Glove House provides three programs for the Elmira City School District:
- Mentoring
- Grief and Loss
- Behavior Intervention

Seneca Falls School-Based Services
Seneca Falls school-based services work to bridge gaps between the school and families to address issues with attendance, school-home communication, and needs requiring complex case management.

Waverly School-Based Services
The Waverly Preventive Program works with students living in Tioga County, NY who are enrolled in Waverly School District. The program provides support to youth and family as they address difficult issues like attendance, truancy, and behaviors at home and/or school.